Marketing communication / only for professional investors
DNB Downloadhub
Citywire Berlin, November 2024

Consistent and sustainable strategies,
longterm value and track record
Our Nordic and client-centric approach means that most of our funds based on the nordic way to manage our funds – sustainable, cool headed and warm hearted strategies.
Investors benefit from existing funds and customised sustainable investment concepts.
Downloads Citywire Berlin
All funds are also available in other share classes.
Please contact us for further information.
International Clients and Distribution

Amra Koluder
Head of International Clients and Distribution
Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg

Dr. Malte Kirchner
Head of German-speaking Europe
France, Monaco, Switzerland and Luxembourg

Jessy Coadou
Sales Manager French-Speaking Europe
DNB Asset Mangement in numbers
>28bn EUR
The DNB Group is listed on the stock exchange and has a market cap. of approx. 28 billion EUR.
since 1822
Our Nordic heritage is the foundation of our business and has been since 1822.
DNB Asset Management service more then 200 institutional mandates across the globle
We operate in 11 different countries.
Our fund range includes more than 100 UCIT funds
~ 170
DNB Asset Management ~ 170 investment professionals and employees in 4 locations
92bn EUR
With 92bn EUR in AUM, we have been experiencing strong growth the past decade
Approximately 90% of our funds are classified as SFDR article 8 & 9 funds